When people face any criminal charge, they may become scared or worried about their future. Many people do not know what to do or where to turn when this happens. However, the good news is that you do not have to deal with this frightening and intimidating experience alone. Instead, you can lean on a criminal defense lawyer during this difficult time, and they will use their knowledge and skills to guide you through the legal process.
All About the First Meeting With a Criminal Defense Attorney
Many people who seek the help of a criminal defense attorney have no experience with law enforcement or even speaking to attorneys. If this is the case for you, you may wonder what you should expect for your first meeting with a criminal defense lawyer. Here is a general guide to what typically happens in these meetings:
- Your attorney will listen to your experience: When you go to your first meeting, the general idea is that the floor is open for you to discuss your experience. During this time, you will explain what happened, why you were stopped by police, and go over the details of your arrest. This is your opportunity to provide the attorney with your story.
- You will do a lot of talking and discussing your background and life: Your lawyer will be interested in getting to know you and learning about your background. That said, you may need to discuss or answer questions regarding the type of work you do, the education you are pursuing, or any personal information you want to share with your attorney. While this has nothing to do with your charge, it will give your attorney a better understanding of how to properly represent you.
- Your lawyer will review your potential legal options based on what you tell them: Since every person’s criminal case is different, your lawyer will listen closely to everything you say. Once you are finished, they will likely have a variety of different options that you may pursue. They will present to you each of the legal pathways that you may be able to take down based on your case’s facts.
- You will have the opportunity to ask any questions, address any concerns or fears, and more: You must develop a list of questions, concerns, and fears to discuss with your lawyer. This is a natural part of the process. Therefore, they will be there to give you peace of mind and understanding of what may happen during the legal process.
- You will leave having an idea of what the criminal defense attorney would do with your case: After your meeting, you should leave with a clear idea of what the criminal defense attorney plans to do with your case. Some people decide to meet with several different attorneys before deciding on who to hire. Therefore, you want to ensure you fully comprehend each attorney’s plan regarding your charge.
Call a Criminal Defense Lawyer Today
If you have recently been charged with a crime, please do not hesitate to contact a criminal defense lawyer at The Harrell Law Firm, PLLC. Sean P. Harrell is a professional attorney who will help you navigate the criminal justice system and ensure you receive the best outcome possible for your case. Fill out our contact form to determine how he will defend your case and charges today.